My Story..

My Story..

It doesn’t start with extreme depression.  It doesn’t start with any embarrassing stories due to my weight.  It doesn’t even start with serious health issues (that I know of) due to being…well fat.

I’ve been overweight for as long as I can remember and any stories I have from being truly unhappy didn’t stem from being larger than the other kids.  Sure…I had been teased here and there.  I’ve had times where getting dressed in the morning was a complete hit to my self-esteem because nothing fit…or it didn’t look right.  Ugh..don’t even get me started with summer time and bathing suits.  But all in all I was a happy kid.  I had good friends that looked past all that.

It wasn’t until after high school that I even took weight loss semi-seriously.  I signed up to a Curves Fitness with a friend from high school. I actually lost a good bit of weight and then I met my now husband Shaun.  I stopped going to the gym and slowly but surely I gained it all back and then some!  I just got comfortable.  I had my guy….who did I need to impress? Perhaps some of you can relate.

Well..we’ve been together now 8 years this past July.  During that time I’ve dieted.  I’ve signed up to two more gyms and canceled both of those memberships because I wasn’t using them…I also had a beautiful daughter named Sawyer.  And I can safely say SHE is where my story starts.

This July I decided enough was enough.  I was done yo-yo dieting and searching for magic pills.  I was done losing weight and gaining it back.  I was ready to be completely comfortable in my own skin.  I wanted to be healthy.  I wanted to look good…feel good.  I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure that I’m around as long as I can be for my daughter and family.

So…I was done giving up


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