Joining The Beachbody Fam

Joining The Beachbody Fam


1st day I decided to start working out…
wasn’t all that happy to be waking at 4am

When my weight loss journey started this July there wasn’t really much thought behind it.  I just knew I wanted to drop my PRE baby weight lol.   I was working out a few times a week and decided I was going to try to use the internet as my accountability partner.  So I would post pictures every now and again of me working out or post workout.  I received some OK feedback and even loss about 8 1/2 pounds! I was excited.

However, the REAL excitement came in August when my sister had suggested doing P90X.  Now I had had these DVDs for years!  A friend from work gave them to me and I tried em for a bit and then they pretty much collected dust.  “This is way too hard!!” I guess was my way of thinking.  When she brought it up I was all for it. We had this momentum going.  We were losing weight all on our own so doing the program couldn’t hurt.  So we took our before pictures, beginning weight and we started.  

We worked out EVERY DAY…no excuses. 
Yes! We still got our workouts in even with little ones crawling all over us

Day 30 came and I couldn’t wait to weigh in and get these pictures taken.  I knew there wasn’t going to be a crazy difference but I couldn’t wait to compare!  End of phase 1 i was 9.8 pounds lighter than when I had started and had an 18 pound loss total!  This was awesome! I felt great.  I stared at my pictures on and off for a few hours…picking out the differences…wondering if I could be brave enough to post.  Finally I decided “Why not?!” I posted and waited for the feedback on Instagram.  It was way better than I thought!  Some of these complete strangers were praising my results and saying I was inspiring.  How cool is that? 

See more of my progress on My Transformation page
I recieved a message from my now coach saying I should look into becoming on myself.  Is he nuts?! Does he SEE how far I have to go?!  Im no where near close to my goal.  I cant coach anyone.  
That’s why you should be coaching. Essentially you are inspiring, helping, and motivating others, which you are doing already.”
Yea ok guy “Maybe I’ll look into it” 
A few days later I decided to post my results on FB where my friends and family would see it…eep!  Well he was right!….I got even more awesome feedback.  I was apparently inspiring others to workout…helping to keep them motivated…they were asking me what I was doing.  I still found this crazy because I was no model…I still had about 100 pounds to lose!  But people were interested in what I was doing to get results. 
So…I contacted this random person (lol random to me at the time) that thought I could be right for this whole coaching thing and about a week later I decided to join.

With my coaches help I realized that through my journey I AM able to help others change their lives.  The same way others help to change mine….Motivating me, Inspiring me..Showing me whats possible with hard work and determination
I plan to pay it forward.

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