ANYONE Can Do It!!

ANYONE Can Do It!!
I was queen of excuses.


*I’m too tired
*I don’t have time
*I don’t feel like it
*I don’t want to sweat out my relaxer or weave (BY FAR my BEST ones) haha
too many styles i DID NOT want to mess up LOL

So yes, I had excuses.  However I have never had as good of an “excuse” as this man COULD have used but did not.  If Kevin Ingle can overcome his disability and lose the weight…ANYONE can do it!!

Check Out Kevin’s story here! Disable Man Chooses P90X Over Surgery
Decide. Commit  Succeed.

Make no excuses.  Get up every day and decide you’re going to make every effort to be the best you that you can be.

Progress. Not Perfection

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