Like Warm Apple Pie…

Like Warm Apple Pie…

Only this is not warm….or apple.  Haha  Oh c’mon!  You chuckled!

So I have been eating a mainly plant based diet.  I say “mainly” because some of my supplements like Shakeology and Beachbody Performance Recover are not vegan.  Also because I don’t hesitate to walk by my kids plate and take a bite of her grilled cheese…ha!

Anyhoo…I found this vegan delight on Pinterest.  Where else?


Super easy and SUPER yummy!

For the crust

  • 3/4cup raw pecans
  • 3/4cup raw walnuts
  • 1/4teaspoon sea sat
  • 1/4cup shredded coconut
  • 1cup pitted medjool dates, packed

For the pie filling

  • 1 1/4cups medjool dates, tightly packed, pitted, and soaked in warm water for at least an hour
  • 1/2cup plus 3/4 cup raw pecans, divided
  • 1/4cup melted coconut oil
  • 2teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4teaspoon nutmeg
  • Big pinch sea salt
  1. To make the crust: Place the walnuts and pecans, sea salt, and coconut in a food processor and grind roughly. Add the dates and process until the mixture is thoroughly broken down and sticks together when you squeeze a bit in the palm of your hand. Press mixture evenly onto the bottom and sides of a pie plate (alternately, you can press it into a 9″ springform pan).
  2. Drain the dates, reserving the soak liquid. Transfer the dates to a high speed blender or powerful food processor. Add the 1/2 cup pecans, coconut oil, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and about 1/4 cup of the date-soaking water. Blend until the mixture is totally smooth.
  3. Pour the filling into the crust. Smooth the top over with an inverted spatula. Place in the fridge for at least four hours to set. Decorate the top with the 3/4 cup pecans, and continue to chill till ready to serve.

Everyone in the house enjoyed it!

*Recipe found at*


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