Polar Balance Scale

Polar Balance Scale

Ok, so if you have been following me for some time you may know that I have a slight obsession with Polar gadgets.  Not much has change.  I have been using Polar Heart Rate Monitors pretty much since the beginning of my journey in 2012.  Well…they released something super awesome in my opinion…

12650812_10208693073384807_4151407544482640189_nTHE POLAR BALANCE!!

So what is the Polar Balance?

It is an Bluetooth-enabled smart scale that works alongside the Polar activity tracker and the Polar Flow app as a complete weight loss service.


How does it work?

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  1. Weight yourself and set a goal: Use the scale to weigh yourself regularly.  Your Polar device then stores your weight and auto syncs to the free Flow app.  Set your personal goal in the Flow web service.
  2. Get personalized guidance: The Flow app offers you motivational guidance on how to reach your daily activity goal.
  3. Get active with your Polar: Take on your next challenge/workout with your Polar device.  It will act as a personal trainer on your wrist..reminding you when you have been inactive for too long and when you reach your goal.
  4. Follow your progress on the Flow app: The service will keep track of your weight and notify you of changes over time.  Your Polar device will than adapt your activity goal to best fit your weight goal, and keep you motivated to reach it.  You will be able to get insights on your activity and see the progress you’ve made.

It’s pretty damn nifty.

Ok so…let me first tell you..I was hesitant on even getting the scale.  When I first began my journey, like most, I had an unhealthy relationship with the scale.  I would weigh myself WAY too often and get upset when it didn’t reflect what I thought that it should.  I since overcome that battle but you understand my hesitation.  I don’t normal weigh myself often now.  I focus on how I’m feeling and how my clothes are fitting.  However, once I saw this I just had to have it haha.  Again..obsessed with gadgets.  Sue me.


Soooo it arrived Monday and I couldn’t wait to hop on and get started.  I strip down to my birthday suit (lol) hey it’s what I always due (TMI?) don’t care.  I hop on and…whaaat?!  It showed me like 3 pounds higher than my Health-O-Meter scale.  Cue the tears.  Just kidding.  It didnt really bother me because I figured if this was the starting number it was giving me and this was the scale I would be using than I would still be able to see the progress I was making regardless.

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Here are some photos I took today (2.4.16) Polar on the top.  Health-O-Meter on the bottom

Once getting my weight and syncing it to my Polar V800 I then sync my Polar to the Flow app.  Here’s what some of those stats look like..


This shot shows whether I’m gaining or loses.  I initially set my personal goal at 4 pounds every 2 weeks.  Just to see what that would look like activity wise.  OH!  So something else I like about this scale is that it will not let you set some crazy weight loss goal.  For instance…its not going to set a 15 pound goal in 2 weeks.


It will give you suggestions on how to reach your goals.


The shot shows my weight trends since starting.  It takes a few weigh in to give you feedback btw.  So I have hopped on everyday since I received it.

Screenshot_2016-02-04-08-42-38-1Here is some BMI feedback which I couldn’t care less about (lol)  I personally think BMI is crap.  But hey for those of you that follow…you will get some info on that =)


Anyway!  All in all I’m super excited about it!  Mostly about the personalized activity goal.  When you set a weight loss goal…the Balance doesn’t play around.  When I first set a goal I had forgotten to sync my Polar V800.  At the end of the day I have about 141% in daily activity.  Well once I finally synced it to the Flow app and with my target weight goal…my activity level changed to 66%!  Crazy..but I least I know it’s not going to let me slack off 😉

Can’t reach those goals sitting around all day =D


(The Master’s Hammer & Chisel)

Please keep in mind that even if you are busting your butt in the gym, at home, etc that you WILL NOT reach the goals you are looking for if your not eating properly.  You can’t outwork a poor diet!  Currently I have been following a mainly plant based diet following the 21 Day Fix Vegan Meal Plan =)



*Polar Balance compatible Polar wearable fitness devices are Polar Loop, Polar Loop 2, Polar Loop Crystal, Polar M400 and Polar V800


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