Why Was I Ashamed Of This??

Why Was I Ashamed Of This??

Before having our daughter I worked in child care for a large bank and remember feeling sad for the kids that had to wake up super early to be at daycare with us all day long (from 6am-6pm). For the kids that stood at the classroom door crying for their parents. For the ones that were there sometimes past 6pm for those parents that got stuck at work. It was even worse on holidays when parents had to be at work..stuck in their cubicles {Let’s be real here…bad for them, the kids and ME who was also working the holiday}

When I first became a SAHM I felt really strange about. Staying home was never something I thought about doing. I didn’t know NOT working a 9-5 was even an option and I knew the opinions that some had about SAHMs. So at first I didn’t even tell people about it. I wasn’t making a lot of money and felt like I would be one of the judged for being a stay at home parent. But I was feeling amazing! I was losing weight and getting healthy, I was helping others do the same, our bills were getting paid, I was able to contribute to our household, and whats best is I am able to be present EVERY DAY for my daughter…why was I ashamed of this??

We all want what’s best for our children and NO ONE should be judged no matter what path they choose. But this right here is whats best for US. This is why I LOVE what I do…

*Being present daily in my daughters life
*Not feeling STUCK in a 9-5 that I hate
*Being able to help with our finances from the comfort of my home
*Having the freedom to sleep when I want and allow my peanut to get the rest she needs (girlfriend loves her sleep lol)
*Helping others CHANGE THEIR LIVES
*Changing MY life, loosing 100 pounds and opening my eyes to what’s possible for our future

While the money I make right now may seem minute to some…there is nothing small about what I do as a mom, mentor, coach OR the opportunities that come along with it. I cannot wait for the day when I can say that BOTH my husband and I are able to be home daily with our daughter and it’s something that I will continue to HUSTLE towards! 😉



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