Getting Back On Track

Getting Back On Track

I’m currently in the process of soul searching or something lol Trying to figure out what I want when it comes to my health and fitness journey.

Abs or copious amounts of donuts LOL

I have been playing with these 10-15 lbs for what seems like forever.

Let me note that I love the skin I’m in today. I’m happy. I’m comfortable. Which is kinda the problem. The urgency isn’t there to me like it was 100lbs ago.

I’m healthy. I can run around with Sawyer. I can bend over to tie my shoes comfortably. I can make it up the stairs without dying. Ya know…all that fun stuff.However, I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel a tad MORE comfortable in my bikinis a few years back than I do right now.

I’ve been stuck in this rut more than once before. Paying more attention to my business than myself. I workout consistently buuuuut I may enjoy more cupcakes than I should {haha} and we all know YOU CAN OUT WORK POOR NUTRITION. If you didn’t know…you do now.

I don’t fear that what I’ve been doing recently will wind me back up in my bod from 4 years ago..because honestly I just don’t have her mindset anymore. I know when and how to pick myself up when I fall off track.

So this is me picking myself up…again. And I’m sure it won’t be the last time…because ya know…life. It’s a journey. No finish line.


For now I’m going back to the basics of what’s always worked for me. Meal prep, portion control and superfood goodness–with a side of accountability 😉 I won’t be following any specific workout program right now because I’m currently just enjoying doing my own thang. A little running here, a little Cize there, a little whatever the hell strikes my fancy on Beachbody On Demand.

{pictured: chicken and mixed veggies; salad; edamame noodles, ground turkey, tomatoes; shakeology; chia puddling}

If you would like to join me and need some accountability yourself…don’t hesitate to reach out =)

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