Greyson’s Birth | Christiana Hospital Newark, Delaware

Greyson’s Birth | Christiana Hospital Newark, Delaware
So when I asked my sister to record Greyson’s birth, I honestly had no idea what I would share from it. It was just that I had pretty much no photos of myself with Sawyer…so I wanted to make sure everything was documented
When I first looked back at the videos my first reaction was…good Lord that’s loud, those noises are scary, there’s no way in hell I’m sharing!…(lol) My sister and I actually had a good laugh at how vocal I was during this birth. You see, with Sawyer…I had an epidural before my contractions even started. Having a natural birth was really not even a thought. I literally remember ZERO pain from having her and my husband and sister said I didn’t make any noises when I delivered
This experience was COMPLETELY different! I really had no expectations. I had no idea what it would look, sound or feel like. My initial thought process the whole time was…”ok let’s try going natural, but tell me the last possible time I can get the epidural” 😂
We arrived at the hospital around 4am and I was about 4-5cm dilated. There was a point I started to doubt if I could get through it…but before I knew it I was already 8cm…then in no time it was like…”ok time to push!”
Greyson was born at 7:51am, March 8th. I was crying uncontrollably—watching this still gives me #ALLTHEFEELS!!! I’m not sure when I actually stopped crying and whimpering. I couldn’t/can’t believe I did it! What I couldn’t believe even more what how good I felt afterwards. I was up and walking a few hours later and we were discharged the following evening.
All I can say is we (women) are pretty amazing
our bodies are amazing!
I am blessed beyond words
My heart is so full! 💖💖💖💖💖

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