Fun In The Foyer

Fun In The Foyer

In the past I have challenge myself to do daily photo challenges and failed miserably.  And this turned out to be no different HAHA :-/  At the end of December I came across a post from My Four Hens Photography describing a lifestyle 52 week project.

There were no real rules or theme…just documenting your life as it is right now and posting a photo a week.  I decided that I wanted to make it a series project instead of random life happenings…sooo my first series was to be Fun In The Foyer.  I decided to make a set place to see my photos all together but later deleted them because I bombed the project.

But I’m putting them in a blog post so I can at least have a place to look back and see how far I got.  Which was only 10 weeks haha  Enjoy =)


Week 1 {12.22.17} The foyer is fav spot in our house…the kids play here, the dog lays here, I stand and sip coffee here while soaking in the sun lol so I thought it would be a nice spot to get a series of pix here.


Week 2 {12.25.17} Family traditions, Pjs for Christmas Eve, Open gifts Christmas morning, Then out the door to enjoy breakfast with the grands and open a few more gifts ❤️


Week 3 {01.03.18} A big day! Le hubs stepping out of the house for his last day at a place he’s been working for just about 11 years! Onto bigger and better things


Week 4 {01.12.18} Just over here watching ALL the seasons in one week lol Oh Delaware.  Kids off of school the beginning of the week for freezing snow/freezing rain, 60+ temps yesterday, cold again today. Make up your mind Mother Nature


Week 5 {01.20.18} Daddy and his baby boy


Week 6 {01.24.18} From a different perspective. My beautiful girl!😍


Week 7 {02.02.18} When she asks to clean…um yeah!


Week  8 {2.4.18} A quick shot on the way out the door to church. I’m not really a football fan. I usually show up for the food haha! Hubs made us all wear our green today. Could this be the year for the birds?!?!  ((IT WAS!!))


Week 10 {02.22.18} Cousins


Week 11 {03.03.18} A different kind of Fun In The Foyer Post.  I had posted this as a side by side with an old photo from the beginning of my health and wellness journey. “I’m just over here living my best life. Focused as fuck on my spirt, mind and my body, crushing my goals, optimistic about this year and the doors that are opening.  Once upon a time I didn’t know I could feel this great!!! 🙌🏾”  

And THAT was as far as I got into the project.  Maybe I will revisit this one in the future.

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