Are You Ready to Take Back Control?

Are You Ready to Take Back Control?

2020 feels like it has taken control of everything. It’s time to take it back!  After almost 3 years with Super Trainer Autumn Calabrese brings us her newest program, 9 Week Control Freak!


Starting January 4th my team and I will be starting this program together.  We’re calling it a 9 Week HEALTH STREAK! We know ultimately GOD is in control, but there are things we can get better control of and that is REST – NUTRITION – EXERCISE – SOUL CARE! We control what we can, and let God handle the outcome. This Gracecampe isn’t about becoming a “control freak”, it’s about stewardship!

This program focuses on building strength, stamina, and sculpting lean muscles through a revolutionary 3 in 1 protocol called DCT-Training. It’s something totally new and challenging to me but I am for it!

Mary Transformation
Katie Transformation
Kim Transformation

Now, let’s dive into the basics. 👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾

What’s this program all about??

It’s a nine week program that was designed to help you get game-changing results from three innovative training methods that are combined with powerful nutrition and a proactive approach to rest. Autumn broke it up into 3 phases, 3 weeks each, that build up in intensity and challenges.

The program requires you to commit to five days of exercise per week: three “DCT-T” workouts (Density, Complexes, and Tabata Training), one day of Total Body Tone, and one day of Tabata Cardio and core.

Program Info:

Program length: 9 weeks (3 three-week phases)

Workouts per week: 5 (2 rest days)

Workout length: 18 – 30 minutes

Equipment needed: Control Track with B-LINES Resistance Band, Fitness Step, Core Ball, and Dumbells (light, medium, and heavy)

What packages are there?

I’m so glad you asked!  All of our packages (excluding the Accessories bundle) now include our FULL nutrition programs – 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix – and are priced at amazing value!

Here are the package available if you already have Beachbody on Demand

Package Current Customer

Here the packages if you don’t have Beachbody on Demand

Package New Customer

So What Support Will You Have?

It all goes down in our bootcamp! We will be hosting it through BODgroups, our exclusive community-based online platform that will help you stay motivated, accountable and supported throughout the 9 weeks of the program. Along with personal support from me/your personal coach, we’ll check in DAILY together, have daily posts to encourage you, fun recipes, giveaways, share our wins/losses, and cheer one another on in our journeys no matter our fitness levels.

We will be opening the 9 Week Health bootcamp January 2nd, 2021 and Prep Week begins Jan 4th!

But there’s more…


We love combining faith and fitness together and always think about how we can tie it in with our bootcamps.

2020 was a rough year for all of us and beginning 2021 we really thought about what area to focus on and thought what better way to start the new year then just solely focus on the Person of Jesus. We’ll be studying the book of John together, using a 10 week in-depth study called “Come and See” written by the Daily Grace Co.

They write, “The book of John is a call to come to Jesus and believe in Him. It is a call to faith that trusts Him not just for salvation, but for every moment of our lives. It is a call to the kind of life that is overflowing and abundant, which can only be found in Him.

The book of John is for those brand new to the Bible and those that have been following Jesus for years. This study is for the hungry, the seeking, the skeptic, the weary, and the broken. For every problem that we face, the book of John points us to one answer, and His name is Jesus.”


The 9 week program we will be doing is all about taking control of our fitness, rest, and nutrition but we realize that as Christian’s, that’s only possible if we surrender first to Him and through Him, learn how to steward our bodies, habits, and time well. We’ll be sharing tons of practical tips on how to do this via our bootcamp. It’s going to be an amazing 9 weeks and we cannot wait to get started with you!

You can purchase the study HERE or get the Daily Grace APP and following along digitally.

Anything else I need to know?!

📋A step is not included in the package, but is required! I know a lot of you have them from previous programs! If you need one, they will be 15% off PLUS free shipping with your 9 Week Control Freak package! Or you can grab one from Amazon!
📋The equipment is needed starting day 1!
📋Prices are a little different than normal packages because of all the new equipment! You will be seeing the control track, etc in other upcoming programs as well! Just make sure that you are paying attention to pricing!
📋We are doing everything possible to get shipments out ASAP, but with the state of the world and holiday shopping, there can be delays- make sure to order ASAP to ensure you have everything ready to go for January 4th!

Alrighty friend!  Ready to sign up?!

Fill out the form below and I’ll send you a cart asap! or alternatively you can email me directly


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