Less Facebook & Instagram

Less Facebook & Instagram

In an attempt to grow in MANY aspects of my life this year, I have decided that I need to cut back on the time I spend online.  This means less Facebook & Instagram.  GASP!  I made a long winded, real life, blooper reel-esk ( 😀 ) video message to my Facebook and Instagram peeps.  However, if you aren’t up for watching me ramble you can catch a summary below!


Why am I checking out of social media a bit??

In sort…

  1. It’s distracting
  2. I’m over the crap I see on it
  3. I need to spend the time I’m wasting online ACTUALLY interacting and making connections with others
  4. I would rather spend my time where it’s needed
  5. If Facebook and Instagram disappeared tomorrow…where would all my content go?!

etc etc etc :-p

I will of course still be sharing with you fine folks on these social media platforms…so please stick around!  But if you wanna see MORE MORE MORE…make sure to tune in here 😀

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