I guess I’m A Vlogger now?

I guess I’m A Vlogger now?

I’ve actually be sharing videos for some time now across Facebook and Instagram…but does sharing these videos on YouTube and my actual blog make me a real “vlogger” now?! lol

Who knows?  But I DO know I’m excited to start sharing more!  I’ve been recording things for a few weeks now but I’m just making the time to put things together now.  This video is actually from the week of January 21st.  My goal is to share at least one weekly vlog.  So here ya go!


What can you expect in the future?

  • Lots of my cute kids
  • Some workout accountability
  • Maybe some cooking?
  • Definitely some rambling
  • Behind the scenes photography thangs

I dunno!  We shall see.  Feel free to comment and let me know what you would like to see more of!

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