Girl, Just Work That Boudie!

Girl, Just Work That Boudie!

Omgoodness y’all!  For as long as I’ve been into photography my main focus has always been the little ones.  My love of capturing the magic of childhood started long before I had my own children.  Although, they are definitely my fave subjects 😉 Most of my first jobs were in day cares where I honed in on getting those canid moments of kids as they read their favorite books, focused hard on their work at center time and ran in circles around one another out on the playground.  But girl!  I think I may have a new love!  Gimme all the boudie!


Last month I decided to step out of my comfort zone and start dip my toes into a new type of photo sesh.  I did a model call and one of the gorgeous babes that reach out to me was this hott mama! While I admit I was nervous and awkward…because ya know that’s me sometimes and doing new things are weird,  I am pretty sure boudoir photography is gonna be my new obsession <3


In my experience , when boudoir sessions are mentions, a few reactions follow…

Folks are either turned off by it because of the misconception of it just being about something “dirty” or inappropriate.  They are all for it!  Or they’re all for it BUT they’re like “I could never do something like that!  or I’m too this or that” (insert whatever crappy self talk or crazy notions you have about yourself…you know what I’m talking about)

But lemme tell you my fave reasons why I think you should just WORK that boudie session

  1. Celebrate being a woman! You are beautiful, sexy, strong, capable, smart, powerful, worthy…just as you are in this moment.  Why not celebrate just being you?!
  2. Boudoir sessions make great gifts.  I mean come on!  Your significant other thinks you are beautiful when your hair is up in a messy bun and you have on that t-shirt with that questionable crusty stain that could be baby spit up or possibly lunch from yesterday and when you rock those old sweats with all the holes that you probably should have thrown out YEARS ago but they’re so comfy!  Yeah…they dig you then…can you image the shock, joy, excitement they will have when you surprise them with boudie portraits?!
  3. Celebrate a milestone.  Celebrate a golden birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, hitting a goal weight. Hell celebrate finally feeling confident in your skin just as you are.  Celebrate being single, celebrate have just had a baby. You can even celebrate being pregnant.  I have seen some gorgeous maternity boudoir portraits.  Our bodies are some miraculous, awesome, life creating things! (lol) We for sure need to honor them!
  4. It’s an excuse to get pampered.  We do so much for everyone else.  Time to do something for yourself!  Make it a girls day out.  Get your hurr and nails did ( 😀 ) Maybe go shopping and get some new lingerie
  5. Empowerment! Confidence booster! Do it for the fun of it! Girl, Just do it! and make sure to contact me 😉


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