Still Finding My Purpose

Still Finding My Purpose

Anyone who has followed me for sometime (on Instagram and Facebook) knows that I have been MUCH less active on social media lately

There’s a few reasons for this. I’ve been struggling with letting things or a somewhat “title” go, I’ve been struggling with purpose, with what I want success to look like in business and my home life and to be honest I just find social media a lot less gratifying than I used to

I haven’t been super active in my coaching role for a while now. I just haven’t felt the butterflies so to speak as I used to when it comes to running groups and inviting other coaches. Some of you reading are probably like..”there goes another one 🙄” lol


Just hold up! I still FULLY support/use Beachbody and their products. I still get excited when things get released and changes are made. The company had 100% helped changed my life..without a doubt. I believe the opportunity was placed in my path for a very specific reason. However I’m learning it’s ok to let things go that aren’t serving me anymore. Most importantly if I’m not feeling as passionate about it I’m not serving others as I should be

I’ve been on a soul /spiritual journey if you will. More interested in spending time getting to know God, finding freedom, discovering my purpose while still making a difference (our church motto btw 💁🏾‍♀️) and while at church this morning I felt like the Holy Spirit (through our pastor) pretty much solidified what I’ve been feeling lately. That it’s ok to stand back and reevaluate what I’m doing and where my gifts are best spent. And for me it’s not in coaching any longer and more importantly it’s ok not to feel guilt about that anymore

true life

So while I’m not completely giving up my coaching title..because hello coach discount 💁🏾‍♀️ lol it’s just not going to be a main focus for me anymore. At least right now…but still feel free to reach out if you have questions or need some encouragement 👍🏾

For NOW I’m looking forward to progressing in my photography business and just crazy excited with what God is doing in/for me. I’ve been engaging in a couple small groups at True Life and have even taken steps to serving on their creative team!! Right up my alley!
So yeah…Awesome things are happening 😊 and now I’m done rambling lol

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