Low Carb Cake Cakes

Whoa!  Its been a while since I’ve posted anything.  Need to get back to it!

These don’t look like much but they’re EVERYTHING! Lol you all know how much I LOVE pancakes. Well recently I’ve been back to counting my macros. I used to count macros but not closely. This time around I’ve been on it! 100% and I’m definitely noticing a difference…especially with my core. Anyhoo, I’m allowed a lower carb count then I’m use to and my normal oat flour pancakes just won’t do. So behold. Low carb “cake cakes” as Sawyer calls them lol

– 2 tbsp ground flax seed
– 1/2 scoop protein powder
– 1 large egg
– 1 tsp baking powder
– 1/2 tsp cinnamon
– 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
– 1/4 c cottage cheese
(note after placing my batter in the pan I realized I completely forgot sweetener LOL so add that in if you like)

Melt coconut oil in pan and cook on LOW HEAT. These will be a lot more delicate than normal pancakes so be careful when flipping. I added a tablespoon of honey to my pancakes and even with no sweetener in the batter it was actually pretty perfect. I liked the texture of them and will definitely be making them again. Can’t wait to experiment with different toppings!

***note the nutrition info is for the pancakes only…doesn’t include the honey***

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