Turning 30 Years Old

Turning 30 Years Old

I turned 30 December 20th.  I’m like fine wine over here yall lol just keep getting better with age. 🍷 😉 I’m pretty sure at some time or another I dreaded the idea of getting older but a few years ago… notably when I started taking better care of myself, the idea of hitting 30 became exciting to me. I am without a doubt, in a better headspace and healthier than I have EVER been in my life. I’m just getting to the good stuff !


I’ve mentioned to my family, friends, and following before how I have never been one that’s good at planning and whatnot. But I feel my 30s I need to have my ish together lol SO I’m working on giving myself some kind of direction this year. I’m putting together a list of 30 goals to achieve in year 30.  Family, Financial, Work, Fun…all that.


Soooo….Here it is!


Coming up with 30 goals was actually harder than I thought it would be. They’re in no particular order. I tried to include things from all aspects of my life faith, family, health & fitness, doing more for others, doing more for myself, etc.

  1. 4am wake up (Monday-Friday)
  2. 365 Days of Shakeology
  3. Complete full round of Hammer & Chisel
  4. 30 Day cold shower challenge
  5. Complete Krispy Kreme Challenge
  6. Start transitioning to plant based diet
  7. 365 days of the Bible
  8. Practice 10-15 mins daily meditation
  9. 1-2 books a month
  10. Take more baths by candlelight
  11. More adventure! (family day trips, gun range, helicopter ride, etc)
  12. Take some photography classes
  13. Goal tattoo by end of the year (need time to get it designed)
  14. Find charity/charities to donate to regularly
  15. Get more involved with church
  16. Date night at least 1-2xs a month
  17. Unplug more often
  18. No work on Saturdays and Sundays
  19. Pregnant (year end)
  20. Next coach rank advancement by end of June
  21. Put more away in savings
  22. Add content to blog at least twice a month
  23. More outings with friends (especially more bestie dates<3)
  24. Host a holiday gathering other than Halloween {lol}
  25. Participate with local fit-club more often
  26. Put more money on credit cards
  27. More random acts of kindness
  28. Get professional family photos taken
  29. Finally organize external hard drive
  30. Monthly game nights {girls night or co-ed??? can’t decide}

And one more for growth & good luck…
31. Stop comparing! You are enough. You have nothing to prove. You are where you are suppose to be…when you are suppose to be =)
It’s gonna be a fantastic new year!

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