Courage Is Contagious

Courage Is Contagious

-Why is sharing your story and experiences important?

-Yesterday I gave my group a challenge of sharing something they have noticed/experienced in the last three weeks onto their timelines.

Here’s something a challenger shared:

“Since the death of my babies, this is has been the hardest two months of my life. Alot of people say that God doesnt give you more than you can handle. I dont believe that at all. I believe He gives you way more than you can handle so you can learn to lean on Him. And I have had to learn how to do that. You dont realize how much you try to control everything in your life without His help until when you fall and all you have left is your faith. When the dust settled, he had surrounded me with what I consider his soldiers. There was very few there but the strongest people I know. Because they were having to pick me up in spite of me wanting to stay down. Some are stronger than others and had to carry me when there was no answer to my emptiness and the depth of sadness coming from my soul. But they were all just as important. God knew what he was doing. At one point He started to push me to crawl on my own. So as my team held my hand, I joined a group of strong encouraging women who have taken on trying to lose weight together. At first I just mostly watched as they encouraged. I have lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks but mostly i have been forced to step out of my comfort zone (like this post which is one of Erika’s challenges to make us do that) and concentrate on something other than my loss. So in the last couple of weeks i actually get up and try to plan my meals and workouts and they give me another reason heal. And I comment back now instead of watching. So they are another big part of my healing and for that I am thankful God put another positive in my life.”


Because your life experiences help others. If I share my story. I can help someone else. If they share their story. They can help someone else. Get the picture? #rippleeffect Let’s change the world.

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