Getting My Ish Together…

So I initially started 21 Day Fix March 31st.  I did AWESOME the first week and actually lost about 7 pounds!  Well the following 2 weeks of the program I completely slacked off.  I was terribly inconsistent!

I decided to get my ish together.  The beginning of this week I restarted the eating plan for 21 Day Fix and I restarted P90X3.  Feeling a lot leaner, less bloated and less gross this week lol.  

I eat fairly clean for the most part but I just LOVE oat pancakes and LOTS of peanut butter! haha  No matter how clean and healthy the foods, if you’re eating these things in too large or portions than you’re not going to get the results you want…period.  Thats why I love this program.  Its very specific and very simple to follow.  I eat small meals all day and I’m not hungry even though my portions are cut back from what I’m used to eating.

Right now I’m trying my hardest to stay away from the scale…yes even I get caught up in numbers.  So not sure how much I weigh right now…but as long as I keep leaning up i’m good! no matter what the scale says.  Will certainly keep you updated with my progress.


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