Author: Erika Scott

Sibling Session | Goddard Park | West Grove, Pennsylvania

Sibling Session | Goddard Park | West Grove, Pennsylvania

A sweet sibling session on a cold Thursday afternoon!  There was even a little snow on the ground in some spots around the park that my son snacked on while following mommy around during this session LOL.  It’s fine.  Everything FINE haha.  These kiddos did […]

Transform 20 Results

Transform 20 Results

Listen girl… You have got to stop thinking about the end game. There is no end game. It’s a journey. There’s ups. There’s downs. It’s on going.   You are not her. Stop wishing you were her. Stop being jealous or envious. Stop comparing your […]

A Letter To My Team

A Letter To My Team

Back in September I had mentioned that I was stepping back a bit from coaching but that I wasn’t giving up my “coach” title.  There were several reasons why but the truth is a lack of community was for sure one of the bigger ones.  No ones […]

Week 3/52 Project 365

Week 3/52 Project 365

Welp I’m a tad behind editing and getting my photos up.  Ugh…who’s idea was this?! haha  I’m nuts.  I’m missed a couple days towards the end of this particular week but I’m gonna go ahead and show myself some grace and keep on trucking along.  […]