Author: Erika Scott

15 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Better

I’m lucky enough to have a little girl that for the most part will eat what I eat.  When she doesn’t I just sneak veggies in her foods. lol But she LOVES fruits and Shakeology so I think I’m covered for now.  However others aren’t […]

Could $4.33 a Day Help Save Your Life?

So many people come to me for help, telling me the one thing they want most in this world is to be healthy but they cannot afford to join a challenge group. While for some this may be very true…for most I’ve come in contact […]

Day One of PiYo!!

Ok…So the day has come for me to start the full PiYo program.  I have done random workouts here and there by myself and with the ladies from fit club.  But now I’m going to do the program start to finish! Let’s talk a bit […]

Body Beast: Beast Phase

Completely forgot to post this!  I started doing meal planning towards the end of Body Beast lol I know a bit late.  While I don’t do terrible with my eating, I decided I needed to do this to keep myself on track a little better. […]

PiYo With Me!!

Looking to GET LEAN? Have injuries that prevent you from doing high intensity workouts like P90X or Insanity? Maybe you just can’t jump around in your apartment for fear of disturbing the neighbors.  PiYo is the answer!  With PiYo you can get lean and defined […]

Ultimate Reset: Alkalinize

Spotlight on an ingredient I add to my Shakeology. Beachbody Ultimate Reset: Alkalinize  Alkalinize is a super-green mixture of grasses, including wheatgrass, alfalfa, kamut, and barley, that helps neutralize excess acid in the body caused by processed foods, foods that are high in protein, including […]