Team Infinite Wellness

A Letter To My Team

A Letter To My Team

Back in September I had mentioned that I was stepping back a bit from coaching but that I wasn’t giving up my “coach” title.  There were several reasons why but the truth is a lack of community was for sure one of the bigger ones.  No ones […]

Courage Is Contagious

Courage Is Contagious

-Why is sharing your story and experiences important?   -Yesterday I gave my group a challenge of sharing something they have noticed/experienced in the last three weeks onto their timelines.   Here’s something a challenger shared:   “Since the death of my babies, this is […]

My story with T25: Told By Christina Fulmer

My story with T25: Told By Christina Fulmer

Growing up, I struggled with a severe eating disorder, Anorexia. I stopped starving myself when I got pregnant with my son and gained 80 pounds as a result. After he was born, I went back to my restricting and fasting ways until he was almost […]

The Richard Simmons To Her World (LOL)

Almost 3 years ago today (7.10.12) I started a journey with no real expectations of where it would lead.  I just knew I wanted to make a change for myself and my family. I woke up a 4am and went over the the gym at […]