
Transform 20 Results

Transform 20 Results

Listen girl… You have got to stop thinking about the end game. There is no end game. It’s a journey. There’s ups. There’s downs. It’s on going.   You are not her. Stop wishing you were her. Stop being jealous or envious. Stop comparing your […]

Be The First To Know!!: Insanity Max 30

Craziest 30 minutes of your day….Coming THIS DECEMBER!Be the first to find out when it launches AND be entered for a chance to win it FREEvisit http://bit.ly/InsanityMAXThirty

Better Together Challenge Group

Have you/your partner or BOTH  of you gotten comfortable over the years and packed on some pounds? I had always been overweight but out of high school a girlfriend and I had joined a local Curves and I had lost some weight. I was feeling […]

Quinoa & Kale Muffins

Cooking with my mini =)

15 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Better

I’m lucky enough to have a little girl that for the most part will eat what I eat.  When she doesn’t I just sneak veggies in her foods. lol But she LOVES fruits and Shakeology so I think I’m covered for now.  However others aren’t […]

Day One of PiYo!!

Ok…So the day has come for me to start the full PiYo program.  I have done random workouts here and there by myself and with the ladies from fit club.  But now I’m going to do the program start to finish! Let’s talk a bit […]