
Body Beast: Beast Phase

Completely forgot to post this!  I started doing meal planning towards the end of Body Beast lol I know a bit late.  While I don’t do terrible with my eating, I decided I needed to do this to keep myself on track a little better. […]

PiYo With Me!!

Looking to GET LEAN? Have injuries that prevent you from doing high intensity workouts like P90X or Insanity? Maybe you just can’t jump around in your apartment for fear of disturbing the neighbors.  PiYo is the answer!  With PiYo you can get lean and defined […]

Ultimate Reset: Alkalinize

Spotlight on an ingredient I add to my Shakeology. Beachbody Ultimate Reset: Alkalinize  Alkalinize is a super-green mixture of grasses, including wheatgrass, alfalfa, kamut, and barley, that helps neutralize excess acid in the body caused by processed foods, foods that are high in protein, including […]

Most Asked Question

Most asked question for sure…“How do you stay motivated?”For those that don’t know, I lost my mom almost 5 years ago. No, it wasn’t weight related. She passed from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol. I’ve said it before….I love my mom. She was gorgeous, talented (quite […]

Coming Up On Two Years

Just one month shy of 2 years since I began this health and fitness journey. It’s been tough & I’ve had my ups and downs but I  have never once even toyed with the idea of quitting.  my sister Jazz and I were just talking […]

Clean Eating 101

When you ask someone what clean eating is chances are you will get different answers all around. But here are some things I think about when shopping and eating. Keep in mind I do not follow these things 100% of the time. But I would […]