
Top Excuses For Not Exercising & How to Beat Them

We ALL have them….but how many of them are actually justifiable?? I’ve made them for years and it wasn’t until about 4 months ago I decided enough was enough.  It’s time to STOP making excuses and start making CHANGES. I’m here today to BUST some of the […]


Did you miss the awesome deal on Turbo Fire the other day?!?  Well don’t fret!!  IT’S BACK. Starting TOMORROW, Friday, @ 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST, Turbo Fire will be available via THIS LINK for only $53!! That’s right!  If you are […]

Halloween Treats!!

Looking to satisfy that sweet tooth but don’t want to go overboard? FitSugar made this awesome visual of our fav treats in 100 calorie portions. Dont see your favorite?? Check some more candies out HERE

Pounds & Calories

Pounds & Calories

We all know that 3500 calories equal a pound…but here is even more of a breakdown..  

ANYONE Can Do It!!

ANYONE Can Do It!!

I was queen of excuses.   *I’m too tired *I don’t have time *I don’t feel like it *I don’t want to sweat out my relaxer or weave (BY FAR my BEST ones) haha too many styles i DID NOT want to mess up LOL So yes, I had […]