
December 2018 Recap

December 2018 Recap

I feel like this past Christmas has been particularly busy.  My December 2018 catalog is JAM PACKED.  So I thought I would share a bit of a recap here =) It has been super rainy around here (Delaware) lately.  Which made for a very muddy […]

Days at the Delaware Children’s Museum | Wilmington, DE

Days at the Delaware Children’s Museum | Wilmington, DE

I’m SO over the winter!  I can usually deal with one or two snow storms.  Just enough for places to close and allow the family to veg out together and enough for the kids to play in…but then I”M DONE!  I’m not about frolicking in […]

Girl, Just Work That Boudie!

Girl, Just Work That Boudie!

Omgoodness y’all!  For as long as I’ve been into photography my main focus has always been the little ones.  My love of capturing the magic of childhood started long before I had my own children.  Although, they are definitely my fave subjects 😉 Most of […]

I guess I’m A Vlogger now?

I guess I’m A Vlogger now?

I’ve actually be sharing videos for some time now across Facebook and Instagram…but does sharing these videos on YouTube and my actual blog make me a real “vlogger” now?! lol Who knows?  But I DO know I’m excited to start sharing more!  I’ve been recording […]

Less Facebook & Instagram

Less Facebook & Instagram

In an attempt to grow in MANY aspects of my life this year, I have decided that I need to cut back on the time I spend online.  This means less Facebook & Instagram.  GASP!  I made a long winded, real life, blooper reel-esk ( 😀 […]