Tag: photography

Week 3/52 Project 365

Week 3/52 Project 365

Welp I’m a tad behind editing and getting my photos up.  Ugh…who’s idea was this?! haha  I’m nuts.  I’m missed a couple days towards the end of this particular week but I’m gonna go ahead and show myself some grace and keep on trucking along.  […]

Week 2/52 Project 365

Week 2/52 Project 365

Yay!  I made it another week and successfully managed to document our life everyday =) 12 days down 353 to go…haha! Sunday 01.06.19  The Eagles live to fight another day Monday 01.07.19 I took a good bit of photos that day….they’re just so stink cute! […]

Still Finding My Purpose

Still Finding My Purpose

Anyone who has followed me for sometime (on Instagram and Facebook) knows that I have been MUCH less active on social media lately There’s a few reasons for this. I’ve been struggling with letting things or a somewhat “title” go, I’ve been struggling with purpose, […]

Elkton Maryland | Mommy + Me |Breastfeeding Mini Session

Elkton Maryland | Mommy + Me |Breastfeeding Mini Session

  This was a super special session!  It was not only my first breastfeeding session but also a fun way for this mama to catch this magical bond with her daughter since she wasn’t able to do so with her son. Mommy had warned me that […]